The Medas Islands Marine Reserve is the main area to discover all the biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea.
Since 1983, it has enjoyed environmental protection, which has allowed the richness of the seabed to recover and has created an important and biological and scenic interest. You will see the schools of groupers, barracudas, dentex, among other species of fish, the algae populations, the posidonia grasses, and the coral and gorgonian communities.
Activities within the Natural Park of Montgrí, the Medas Islands and the Baix Ter, and specifically within the Medas Islands Marine Reserve, are regulated and controlled, in order to maintain and preserve the integrity of the fragile natural space.
The seabed of the reserve gives exceptional value to the Medas and makes them a unique place in the Mediterranean, much appreciated by divers from all over the world.
Come and discover the seabed of the Medas Islands Marine Reserve!